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Disciple School Of Ministry

We each have a calling. We each have a purpose. What dream or vision has God given you? Share it here on our Online Vision Wall. And trust and declare that what God has promised, He will fulfill.

“Write the vision and make it plain … it will surely come, it will not tarry.”
Habakkuk 2:2–3, NKJV

Write Your Vision

Write your vision in the comments below

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Ps A
Ps A
5 months ago

For the Lord of the harvest to send the labourers!

5 months ago

Complete my studies

5 months ago

I’m trusting the Lord with resources to build a church building

Ps Charles
Ps Charles
5 months ago

To build The Lord a permanent structure

5 months ago

To become financially stable

Bernaldinho Venasiu
Bernaldinho Venasiu
5 months ago

For God to help us fight this battle of this generation walking away from Him and for God to help us mend our nets so our catch can be great (Lost).

5 months ago

To get equipped for the work God has called me to do.( taking care of the fatherless and widows)

Matthew Jakob
Matthew Jakob
4 months ago

Hello, Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I’m MATTHEW B. JAKOB from Tanzania.I would like to share with all of you dear brotheren this vision that God himself gave me.
It was 2019 Lord Jesus show me this vision about the church of today.I wrote it down and later on I was in William Carey School of world mission,the same vision came again at that time Lord want me to start BIBLE COLLEGE.In order to train and produce more skillfull workers who will bring the positive result to the kingdom,Matthew 9:36-38.My target is all about great commission,which is found in the gospel of Matthew 28:19-20.
I believe this vision is now coming to the reality,I already wrote down the preparation of the project,and just completing in my side then the rest I left to the Lord’s hand.
Thank you all of you,please pray for more wisdom for the servants of God all over the world.James 3:17.I always seek this kind of knowledge.Thank you once again dear brotheren.Keep your light shine.BLESSED

Minister Nyeleti
Minister Nyeleti
4 months ago

Greetings in the name of Jesus, my vision is becoming a mobile movement that will basically equip teenagers about the reality of life, introduce them to Christ at the comfort of their classes. I want to be moving within schools.
Thank you so much

Isiah Tsvedemu
Isiah Tsvedemu
4 months ago

To preach the gosple for the lost sheep ,help the disadvantage pple ,bring the light to world

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