Disciples Making Disciples
Defining Discipleship
The main distinction of a disciple making movement is in how we define what a disciple of Jesus is.
Jesus intimately walked with his disciples, training them in all of the principles of the kingdom of God. He also showed them how to demonstrate God’s Kingdom through preaching the gospel, healing the sick, casting out demons, and walking in the Spirit.
We emphasize hands-on training to equip and develop disciples in the same work of the Kingdom as Jesus. We encourage a lifestyle of intimacy with God, repentance, surrender and going and doing the work of His Kingdom.

Planting House Churches
The house church is for people to learn how to love one another and to receive love. It is a place to grow in Godly character, identity and spiritual disciplines. It is also a place to learn how to walk with God corporately and individually. The Church family community is designed for intimacy and accountability where “iron sharpens iron”.
The early church that is recorded in the book of Acts were marked by the good news of Jesus and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. This community was radically moved into counter cultural kingdom living as was taught by Jesus and the Apostles. The church communities were marked by their sacrificial love and miracles and it drew many to them and their churches multiplied. (Acts 2:41-47)
Meeting Resources

Family Meal
Sharing a meal together is an incredible way to deepen trust and friendships. It is through moments like this that we learn how to receive love and be loving.

Prayer & Worship
Through prayer and singing our members are able to focus their attention on God to press into God’s presence as a family.

Scripture Disscussion
The objective of facilitating discussions is to teach individuals to interact with scripture in context and how to learn to read the Bible.

Ministry Time
We want to create a safe space for members to apply what is being taught and to grow and mature in Spiritual Gifts based on 1 Corinthians 14.
Do Life Together
We believe that Jesus meant for the Kingdom of God to change every aspect of our lives.
So no matter what walk of life you are in the gospel should transform you. We welcome families and children and whomever is ready for Jesus.
Disciple Discovery Groups
The goal of this class is to train and equip individuals on what a Bible-based disciple is and what a Disciple Making Movement is about.