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Masters Degree in Ministry – Disciple School Of Ministry

Disciple School Of Ministry

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Masters Degree in Ministry

The requirements for a masters degree differs in that there is required supplemental reading. Three books will be required to ... Show more
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Our Masters Degree is a must for Leaders!

A student who plans to become a candidate for a master’s degree must hold a bachelor’s degree. Masters degrees are constructed of five interrelated areas:

  • the ISOM Core component, or outside equivalent
  • an additional five Modules bachelors studies component, or outside equivalent
  • an additional three Modules masters studies component
  • a book report component, which encompasses books from the three different modules
  • the masters thesis component, which consists of a 25-page document.

The following masters degrees are offered through both Vision International University and Covenant Theological Seminary:

  • Master of Ministry (M.Min)

The following masters degree is offered through Christian Leadership University (CLU students must complete the Spiritual Intimacy Module):

  • Master of Ministry (M.Min)

How the Program is tailored?

  • Degree in Ministry is a pre-requisite.
  • Minimum Completion time is 9 months.
  • Maximum Duration allowed is 18 months.

The requirements for a masters degree differs in that there is required supplemental reading. Three books will be required to be read with each module and will be due before moving onto the next module, making a total of nine book reports due at the end of the program. There will be a five-page book report (single spaced at 12pt Times Roman font) required for each book read. While the Modules will be graded in normal ISOM fashion by the school, book reports will be graded at the ISOM headquarters by a Doctorate level instructor. The book reports will count for 30% of a student’s grade (10% for each book). Guidelines will be provided as to what is expected in each book report and sample book reports will be given to show the quality of writing expected. Students must complete a report from each of the following books:

Module 1 – Plus books below

  • Rebuilding the Real You (Jack Hayford)
  • Visionary Leadership (Stan DeKoven)
  • Grace: The DNA of God (Tony Cooke)

Module 2 – Plus books below

  • The Team Method of Church Planting (Jim Feeney)
  • Spiritual Leadership: Principles of Excellence for Every Believer (J. Oswald Sanders/Grover Gardner)
  • The Transparent Leader II (Dwight L. Johnson)

Module 3 – Plus books below

  • Missions Addiction (David Shibley)
  • What’s the Difference?: A Look at 20 Worldviews, Faiths and Religions  (Fritz Ridenour)
  • Followship by Jim Cobrae

What does the Course comprise of?

  • 3 Semesters
  • 9 Book Reports
  • 3 Semester Modules with exams
  • Minimum Pass Mark: 70%
  • Final Thesis

Each student is allocated a Personal Tutor/Facilitator. You have flexibility of study. The semester modules is completed as part of your Class course work.

Semester Requirements

  • One Module per semester
  • Students read three books per semester.
  • A book report is required for each book.
  • Exams for each subject as per the semester module.

Students receive books via postal service and interact with class mates via an online platform and Microsoft Teams

Course is great, books are absolutely fantastic!  ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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